Come sit a moment as we take some time just for you. Relax. In this space we’re going to begin to whisper into your heart and soul some of the Feminine Secrets. Today’s topic? Yoni eggs!
Yoni eggs are amazing tools for Feminine health, pleasure and healing. It is my hope to enlighten my Sisters and Daughters who have never heard of Yoni eggs before, to provide information for those ladies seeking to begin to use them, as well as to help those who have already begun a Yoni Egg practice by providing additional resources to take it to the next level.
Who are you exactly?
I’m Namaste Moore- Healer, Mentor, Life Alchemist, Womb Whisperer, Feminine Mystery WisdomKeeper and Educator. I am the author of “Yoni Egg Secrets” , the first and only book devoted solely to Yoni Eggs and their healing and an Amazon Bestseller in it’s category.
I wrote this book based on my over 20 years of experience as a Healer specializing in crystals, 20 years in providing Femininity education, 9 years as a Doula, 8 years as a sexuality educator, and lifetime spent as a woman – healing, growing and empowered (over 40 years and counting!!).
I live my life devoted to my King (husband), our children and the creation of educational & experiential programs that heal and connect women on all levels – sexually, spiritually and physically. My mission is the creation of WHOLENESS within all facets of the feminine form utilizing the path of pleasure. I believe in the restoration of both warmth and mystery to the Feminine Arts and Practices.
What are Yoni Eggs?
Let’s start with what a Yoni is- shall we? Yoni (pronounced yo-nee) is the Sanskrit term for the Vagina and vulva area. In some cases it is used to include the womb are as well -but more typically it only refers to the Vaginal area. Yoni eggs are egg shaped crystals –usually approximately 30mm x 45mm which are inserted into the Yoni (or Vaginal Canal). At one time Yoni Eggs were simply known as Jade Eggs. Their use has been traced back to China over 4000 years ago. At that time Jade was considered a very costly stone reserved only for Royals. Royal women and concubines would utilize Jade eggs to tone and strengthen their yoni for the purpose of general health and sexual prowess.
More recently – with the global accessibility of various stones and crystals – other stones have begun to be used.
Why use Yoni Eggs? Do I need a Yoni egg if I am not “loose” vaginally?
Yoni eggs are not only for women suffering from vaginal looseness. The vast majority of women with a vagina can benefit from a Yoni Egg practice. Much like clean eating, yoga and exercise – the process of Vaginal toning is a PRACTICE not aPROJECT. This means that ongoing awareness and exercise can serve women at every phase of our lives. From our youth – helping us understand and connect with our Yoni to our elder years- helping prevent vaginal atrophy, dryness and prolapse. Doing Yoni egg exercises helps you to isolate your vaginal muscles, increases blood flow and stirs up the libido. All of that is just the beginning!
There are many energetic and spiritual benefits to a woman connecting deeply with this most sacred part of her anatomy. Many women feels a sense of shame and disconnect when it comes to their Yoni. Some Yonis hold trauma from previous sexual experiences, negative child birth experiences, and reproductive health issues (such as fibroids, painful periods and the like). As you work with the various types of eggs in a conscious and delicious way – you begin to heal these things – pleasurably.
Why use something other than Jade?
Each type of crystal or stone has it’s own unique energetic blueprint (as I like to think of them). This blueprint or matrix offers it’s own vibrational healing to the woman working with it. In all of my years as a healer I’ve found that not only does each TYPE of crystal have it’s own energy – each individual crystal also comes packed with it’s own healing ability. Jade has one type of vibration, Obsidian another, Quartz another, Aventurine another and so on. These distinctions offer each woman an opportunity to experience the healing she needs – both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Diversity is a beautiful thing!
But – isn’t Jade the best?
Within the realm of crystals and stones there is no such thing as “best” – each crystal offers it’s own unique signature to your life and healing. As a healing tool it is important to learn to respect the differences and distinctions inherent in working with natural materials. If we can learn to respect and honor those difference in nature- we are more likely to respect and honor those distinctions and diversity within each other.
Jade is a wonderful, powerful crystal. It has it’s own unique properties that make it an excellent stone for Yoni egg use. However- Jade is also one of the MOST often imitated and processed stones according to my research. Jade tends to be costly and to often have discoloration – giving it the potential to be bleached, dyed and filled far more often than other crystals.
I have heard so much about “unsafe eggs” – how can I tell who it’s safe to purchase from?
I honor your being so conscious concerning your Yoni!! Like you, I have read much on the internet about Yoni egg safety and concerns around those who sell Yoni Eggs. Interestingly most of the horror stories are written by Yoni egg purveyors! I believe that each woman should purchase her Yoni egg from the purveyor that her intuition leads her to, not based on fear.
Yoni egg purveyors are like physicians in that each one has their own world view, energy and practice. Go where your heart and spirit leads you dear one. Understand that just as with sex toys, exercise, yoga and the like- there is no one true way. It is up to you to lean into your intuition and purchase the Yoni eggs that feel good to you from the purveyor whose energy and perspective resonates most with you.
Can you tell me about your Yoni Egg purchasing process?
I have been a crystal worker/healer for many years. I approach yoni eggs from the place of Crystal knowledge and healing. This affords me a depth of understanding concerning the process of Yoni Egg creation and manufacturing. At this time I work with 2 suppliers of my eggs. I do not purchase eggs that I am concerned about or if I don’t like the answers I receive from my suppliers. The questions I ask are based on the treatments and manufacturing that is part of the processing of each type of crystal. Some crystals don’t have a typically used process or treatment or the process is only used on certain types (as in for jewelry) so it’s a non-issue. My perspective is that safety is important and the best way to be safe is to follow your “gut” or intuition as well as finding a knowledgeable and conscious purveyor.
Yay! I just bought an egg – now what?
There are many practices you can do with your egg depending on WHY you’re using it. Many women purchase yoni eggs solely for sexual reasons, meaning they desire to tone and connect with their Yoni on the physical level only.
This is a valid practice – however I’d like to invite you to open to the more hidden areas of Yoni Egg magic.
This is in the realm of healing. Many women have issues around abandonment, rejection, disconnection from their essence and their femininity as well as not being grounded and anchored in the body. Much of our trauma, pain and negative past experiences is held in our hips and pelvic bowl – specifically our womb space and Yoni. When we begin to work with Yoni eggs we are able to begin to clear out some of this energy making way for positive, pristine and connective enjoyment of both our sexuality and our lives.
You may enjoy beginning your practice with a Yoni Self Massage – Learn how in this PDF.
Do you sell Yoni eggs?
I have an online store which is stocked with a number of tools, potions and talismans (sounds very mystical huh?) for your Feminine experience – including Yoni Eggs, Spheres and Wands as well as Yoni Steams, waist beads, Feminine teas and more!
I sell my products here as a way of protecting you as the customer. I’ve heard from so many women – who tell me of purchased eggs never received from other purveyors. My current model is to take pictures of all eggs and post them on the store – the egg you pick is the egg you will receive. While I occasionally offer pre-orders on certain very popular eggs – my policy is to ONLY offer Yoni eggs that I currently have. This means that your Yoni egg will be shipped out normally 72 hours or less from the time you order it. When it is shipped you will receive a tracking number so that you can see where your Yoni egg baby is.
In addition all of my Yoni eggs include an organza storage bag, care instructions and an optional free Shamanic blessing.
I would like to learn more!
Fabulous! I offer a number of resources to help you continue your Yoni Egg Practice, love!
Yoni Egg Secrets is a book that offers over 30 types of crystals suitable for yoni eggs, practical, physical practices as well as energetic use of the eggs -You may purchase my Yoni Egg Book HERE
You may join my FREE and SECRET Facebook group for women only by sending me a message HERE